Porcelain Fungus - Mucidula mucida
Porcelain Fungus - Mucidula mucida
Edible mushroom - novice identification
Other common names: Porcelain Mushroom, Slimy Beech Tuft, Poached Egg Fungus,
Scientific name meaning: Both names are derived from the Latin Mucidus, meaning mucus. This is in reference to the slimy cap surface
Spore print: White

Habitat and season
Saprobic on Beech wood. Also can appear as a mild parasite on living Beech

Growth and appearance
A cap and stem mushroom that appears in small or large tufts. The individual fruit bodies look like little parachutes

The white, slime-covered cap is between 2 - 8cm wide. It is semi-translucent and the gills can be seen through the cap surface. Once opened, it remains dome-shaped throughout its growth. In dry weather, the cap surface may dry to become sticky and silky

The gills are white and semi-translucent, though can go slightly yellow with age. They are broad, have an adnate attachment, and are widely spaced

The skinny stem is 2 - 8cm tall and 2 - 7mm wide. It is often curved. For its size, the ring is quite substantial. The ring is white on top and grey underneath, and the white stem is slightly more grey below the ring, too

Flesh, taste and smell
The flesh is white. No real discernible smell

Possible lookalikes
With its extremely slimy cap and specific Beech wood growth, it would be hard to confuse this mushroom with any other
Use as a food Edible when cooked. The slime on the caps should be removed before consumption - it is not considered pleasant and may cause stomach upsets
Hazards None known
Other uses None known
Use in medicine None known - please let us known if you know of any!
If you are suffering from any ailment or need medical advice, please see your General Practitioner
Importance to other species Fed on by slugs and snails
Always stay safe when foraging. You need to be 100% sure of your identification, 100% sure that your foraged item is edible, and 100% sure that you are not allergic to it (it is good practice to always try a small amount of any new food you are consuming). If in doubt, leave it out!