Pineapple Weed - Matricaria discoidea
Main features
Can only be found all year
Very fine, feathery leaves
Low growing
Likes loamy, compacted earth
Smells of pineapple when crushed
Flowers have no petals
Pineapple Weed - Matricaria discoidea
Edible plant - novice
Other common names: Wild Chamomile, Disc Mayweed
Scientific name meaning: The Latin word "Matrix", meaning "of the womb" is where "Matricaria" is derived from. This is most likely due to the genus' association with uterine treatments and tonics. The species names "Discoidea" means “without rays”. This is in reference to Pineapple Weed's lack of petals
Season All year
Habitat - where will I find it? Pineapple Weed likes loamy ground, particularly if it is compacted. It is often found at the side of footpaths, driveways, farm gateways, agricultural land and gardens.
It is a native of Asia, but can now be found in Europe and the Americas
Description - what does it look like? Pineapple Weed is low growing, compact plant, and has very fine fine and feathery leaves. The flowers have no petals. When crushed, the flower parts and leaves emit a pineapple-like scent
Possible lookalikes Could be confused with its relatives German Chamomile or Mayweed, neither of which is poisonous. However, Mayweed is scentless and German Chamomile doesn’t smell of pineapple
Use as a food The flowers can be eaten uncooked or in salads. They can also be used to flavour jellies, syrups and cordials. Pineapple Weed's leaves and flowers can be used to make a fragrant herbal infusion
Use in herbal medicine Pineapple Weed has been used to treat uterine conditions and internal worms, as a sedative and antispasmodic, and to promote lactation
If you are suffering from any ailment or need medical advice, please see your General Practitioner
Other uses The plant contains Myrcene - an important essential oil to the perfume industry. Pineapple Weed has also been used as an insect repellent
Hazards There is some evidence that Pineapple Weed can cause allergic reaction in some people. A tolerance test is advised before use
Importance to other species The smell of Pineapple Weed tends to repel insects and animals
Always stay safe when foraging. You need to be 100% sure of your identification, 100% sure that your foraged item is edible, and 100% sure that you are not allergic to it (it is good practice to always try a small amount of any new food you are consuming). If in doubt, leave it out!